
UK Black Pride is committed to hosting an inclusive and accessible event that will enable ALL to fully engage throughout the day. The following provisions have been put in place to ensure that anyone with accessibility issues can enjoy the day.

UK Black Pride 2024 - Accessibility Information

Accessible Car Parking

There will be a limited amount of free parking available for blue badge holders at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Multi-Storey Car Park. This will be on a first come first served basis and will not require pre-registration. As long as you have your blue badge you will not be charged when leaving the car park.

Entry to the car park is on Eastway on the A106 or off Waterden Road. Take the first left and stay in the right hand lane with your blue badge visible in the dashboard so that the gate will automatically open. Follow the lane to the car park floor.

There are two lifts that can take you to the ground floor and the car park exit. It is labelled D in orange on Lesney Avenue off Waterden Road opposite the building. This is where you will need to enter the building to get to your car.

Car park address: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Multi-Storey Car

Park, London E9 5JH

What three words: rabble.lasts.toxic

Public Transport

The number 388 bus can be taken from stop x at Stratford Bus Station. You can stay on the bus for three stops and alight at Here East stop which is just opposite the Multi-Storey Car Park on Lesney Avenue, or you can stay on for two stops and alight at The Copper Box stop for access to the main entrance.

Buggy Service

This free service is available to those attendees that are mobility impaired and may have difficulty walking from the car park to the site entrance. This buggy service only holds six people per trip and is available at a 30 minute interval at set times for pickup and drop offs from the car park and to and from the entrance to UK Black Pride. 

Drop offs will be at the main entrance close to the accessibility lanes . At the car park the buggy will be stationed at Exit D opposite HereEast on Lesney Avenue. The buggy will only wait for 5 minutes at pick ups and drop offs so please be on time. If you

miss this transfer you will have to wait for the next time slot.

Please contact the Accessibility Officer Jai Forde ( to find out the buggy service time slots for the day.

Entry into the Park

There will be one point of entrance for all attendees and everyone will have to go through security before entering the site. We will have a dedicated access lane for those with any accessibility requirements. Please reach out to our volunteers who will be around the entrance lanes, as they can direct you to the relevant lane.

Upon entering the park please make yourself known to our Accessibility Officer (Jai Forde) who will be based at the access lane and provide you with an accessibility wristband. If Jai is not there please reach out to one of our volunteers who will be able to support you.

Site Layout

A site map highlighting all the accessible areas and services will be available and can be collected from the accessible lane entrance. The site is flat, with no steep inclines. There are concrete paths leading to most areas, however some of the stages will require crossing over some grassy areas, however using scooters and wheelchairs should be fine. If you are concerned please stick to the paths.

Mobility Scooters

We have a number of electric mobility scooters for people with impaired mobility available to hire on the day. We have limited availability so they will be hired on a first come first served basis. Please note you will need a picture ID to secure a scooter and

pick-up/drop-off will be at the Queen Elizabeth Park Mobility tent which is located between the main stage and the first lane of the main entrance. There is no pre-booking for this service.

Unfortunately no bikes are permitted on site nor can they be chained around the site. If you have a query around whether your carrier will be allowed onsite please contact Jai.


Dogs and other pets are not allowed in the park at this event with the exception of service or assistance dogs.

British Sign Language (BSL) Provisions

There will be BSL interpreters present at both the mainstage and the community engagement stage across all performances and sessions. There will also be some dedicated spaces near the stages to ensure those who require assistance are able to access this. If you experience any challenges please reach out to one of the UKBP volunteers who will be roaming around the park all day.

In addition there will be two BSL interpreters roaming around the site to support any hard of hearing attendees who have questions.

Accessibility Viewing Platform

There will be an accessibility viewing platform and seating area near the main stage that will be staffed by a security officer. This will be accessible only to attendees and their helpers wearing the accessibility wristbands. There will be an accessible toilet located in this area and the ramp from the platform will lead down to a main path. 


There will be a number of accessibility toilets across the site and they will be marked on the accessible site map in yellow with A in bold and black. Messaging will be posted on the toilets informing attendees that priority of usage must be given to those wearing accessibility wristbands. 

Mental Health First Aid Provisions

There will be support from Mental Health First Aid. They will have a base with relaxed seating and shade in the stallholder area. They will also have some mental health first aiders walking around the site to assist any attendees who may be feeling overwhelmed. We will also have some welfare officers from Safe Only assisting across the day to provide additional welfare and harm reduction support where needed.

Accessible Bar Lane

There will be two bars on site and both will have an accessible bar lane. This lane will be signed and wide enough to accommodate mobility vehicles. It will also be visible with large signage. At the bar there will be no need for queuing and a server

will be there to serve you.

Food Vendors

There will be a variety of food vendors present on the day. For access to the food vendors you do not need to queue. Please make your way to the front of the queue by finding a safe space to do so away from the queue and show your wristband where you will be served by the vendor.

Quiet Space

While there is not a designated ‘quiet zone’ the Mental Health First Aid stall will have some space around it with bean bags etc for people wishing to take a break or who are feeling overwhelmed.

There will be a family and youth engagement area (near the community engagement stage) which will provide some picnic tables and other activities for families with young children.

Contact Person

If you have any questions or would like the time slot for use of the buggy service please reach out to our Accessibility Officer Jai Forde at 07734285938