


UK Black Pride is a safe space to celebrate diverse sexualities, gender identities, cultures, gender expressions and backgrounds and we foster, represent and celebrate Black LGBTQI+ and QTIPOC culture through education, the arts, cultural events and advocacy.

Where we are now

UK Black Pride is the world’s largest celebration for LGBTQI+ people of African, Asian, Caribbean, Latin American and Middle Eastern-descent. We produce an annual celebration during pride month, as well as a variety of activities throughout the year in and around the UK, which also promote and advocate for the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual health and wellbeing of the communities we represent.

UK Black Pride is a safe space to celebrate diverse sexualities, gender identities, cultures, gender expressions and backgrounds and we foster, represent and celebrate Black LGBTQI+ and QTIPOC culture through education, the arts, cultural events and advocacy. Importantly, UK Black Pride promotes unity and cooperation among LGBTQI+ people of diasporic communities in the UK, as well as their friends and families.

Our plans for the future


We aim to ensure that the annual UK Black Pride festival event will be an inclusive event and we will ensure that we work together with all sections of the UK’s culturally diverse Black LGBTQI+ community.


We will hold social events to allow us to relax meet and socialise in an informal setting, while also supporting members of our community to network and develop social support.


We will look at resources available within UK Black Pride to support and give back to the community around us. Through this, we can lift all of us up, to deliver the vision set out by UK Black Pride and positively impact upon the lives of others.


We aim to raise awareness around the experiences of UK’s Black LGBTQI+ community and will advocate and make contributions to the general community from Black LGBTQI+ perspectives.


UK Black Pride is an organisation that fosters a positive ethos to ensure that Black LGBTQI+ talent and achievements are promoted. We will seek to accomplish our vision and in doing so will also attract others who see and want to be a part of this vision.

There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives. Our struggles are particular, but we are not alone.


American Writer and Professor

How you can support us

Donations help us to keep our annual event free and accessible to as many people as possible. 

If you'd like to stand with and for us, donating is a great form of support.